Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009-The End

Posted by zWeN13 at 5:51 AM 0 comments






我想,我们都应该及时珍惜身边的人,朋友,亲人,所有所爱的人. 有的人,就是会随着时间的变化而逐渐离我们远去, 有的感情,会随着时间的流失而逐渐转淡.2009年的最后一天,我依然很爱你们.以后也会一样.这些满满的爱,堆在心里没有人知道,只有你听到了,看到了,才会感受的到. (有想吐的人请站到一边,今天老娘很有想法和感觉,哈哈!)

They are my mummy and dad!!This is what we called Happiness isn't? ^^

@ New York
Happy New Year 2010!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 5:40 AM 0 comments

今天我冒雨替公司买布时,和老板聊了起来,他突然说道:人的生命是很脆弱的,对吗?突然间我觉得人生很短,每个人只有一辈子的时间,那是件多么短暂的事。在你一生中,说给你活个八十岁吧,年幼无知的童年就占了十年,长大了谈谈pubbylove 又过了个十年。二十出头是该拼命赚钱的时候吧?三十岁想安定下来了。四五十岁能够跟老友们畅谈自己的成功史。六七十岁和老伴一起打太极拳,好命的抱抱孙子。再好命的可以活到一百岁看见自己的曾曾孙子吧。然后跟这个世界说拜拜。



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Claus is coM'in tO town

Posted by zWeN13 at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Hello!! I'm back to clear the dust in my blog! ^.<
Yup, Santa Claus is comin to town,but then we can always see, a lot of people like to take picture with a tree at the street... X'mas tree.Haha! Well, I admit that I did, and when I go through my photo album, I realize that all the x'mas tree have the same look and I cant remember which year is it..haha!

There's YES(Year end sales) all oever the island!
I found this (brand tag) when I was trying my dress at home.So they think they are very funny izzit?hahaha!! It's damn cool.

Suntec City@ City Hall station
We went to the centre of the fountain. People believe that your wish will come true after you walk 3 times circles at the fountain. 因为它的名字叫做“财富之泉”,我想我也只能许跟钱有关的愿望。可是...我买了多多,又米有开...骗人的.Chey~!haha..但是,泉水是蛮凉快的,不防试试try一下自己的luck.hehe!

Chiew ling, Yin Chew and me @ Orchard.
Haha!!Who were there last X'mas?!and the future X'mas? ^.<
那天去看了“风云”。你问我在这部电影里看到了什么,我只能说,很多风(每个镜头只要有人就一定有很大风不停的吹着他们的头发好像很帅降)。 然后结尾小郭死了都没有来个大特写,好像很美价值降...哈哈!好啦,我不是白痴,我相信十年后会有第三部的出现。 。 。《老风云》

Monday, December 7, 2009

Once bitten,Twice shy

Posted by zWeN13 at 5:34 AM 0 comments



我的好朋友受伤了。我很努力的为她的伤口涂药愈合,因为我仿佛看见了以前的自己。因为经历过,更能懂得她的心情。没有失去又怎么会拥有。有时候,会不会放手其实才是真正的拥有。人生不如意的事情十之八九,有什么好感叹的呢?笑一个吧,我们人总是为自己而活着的,Cheer up ok?


Saturday, November 28, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 9:21 PM 0 comments
I am surprised that I dont even have a picture took together with my hubby on the day 12/11. But we do, we had a great time that day.
The following week, we had our dinner at cinileisure then went for pooling. He was surprised that I can play like,haha!not bad la... Phe Phew~! ^.< At least manage to put the balls in the hole la...Wahaha!I remember that last time, we dont even have a topic to chat in the train on the way to home (an hour). But then now, we can chat until late night. So many years later we still can have our "热恋期", not bad hor? haha!And I do appreciate when there's someone waiting for me to knock off from my work. Thank you my dear.

When I have very big pressure in work.

A very simple and great breakfast for me from the special one.

We meet up for dinner and drinks until 1130pm!
Ribena and me~
(My last picture with long hair,Please appreciate)

My favourite Pau in Singapore.
"Black Sesame Pau from Ding Tai Feng"
Please give it a try and you'll love it like hell!


Mummy's Birthday09

Posted by zWeN13 at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Say Cheeze!!!!!!!!!!

Celebration of my Mum's birthday @ Inbox Cafe!

Luckily I can leave Singapore.(Although just few hours)Hahaz..Mama just dont wan to admit that she is now starts with 5!hehe..If I were her, I think the best moment is to share your happiness with your family, your loved. And I think that's something which makes she here.

Wahaha!both of them add together already 100 ever liao...

Best Kiss in the town!!YooHoo!!

Short hair look. Tell me beli nice please!!wahaha!

Zwen And Mama In the Mirror!(I have the red shoes on my t-shirt!haha!)

Mama will kill me when she see this..
(FOr Singaporean fren please accept my lian bang qiang.Or maybe you're used to it already..wahaha!!)
Happy Birthday To LeeBYong!!I love YOU!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

2012-The end of the world

Posted by zWeN13 at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Attention Please!!
21-12-2012 : The end of the world

Please get urself and people all around you to the cinema with a movie ticket called "2012"!!!
What a perfect movie for my life in 2009!!!(I think it might be more exiting watching a Digital version)
Those who not satisfied or agree with what am I saying (how good is the movie), I am willing to pay for the tickets!!!

The movie was basically talk about the end of the world. We don't know, if that's really happen to us, what will we do?The old man called his son who he had been never seen for ages, but too late and they were both dead in two different situation before they could hear each other voices. The bustard daddy safed his son with his life. Only rich people could survive in the end of the world.

I dont know how to describe the movie, it is perfect for me.
We all have the same feeling after the movie. I want to love everyone beside me as I could still breathing. If what they said (the end of the world is in 2012 which is just 3 years later) is real, I probably will just spend all my money on the things that I like, food,donation, present for the one I love and everything!I dont need to keep so much money already what. haha!
But seriously, take life easily, enjoy it, beat it!
No more stress, use your finger and make a "V" and say "Peace" with me! ^.<

And I do love myself more than everything now. If you really dont know how to appreciate me, fine. 不懂得珍惜我的人,永远是你的损失!因为,我是最好的,你知道吗?哈哈!
But I still need to say, Happy anniversary for my sweet heart. I dont want to know how long would this be, I am just trying to make a better life. A life with you, my family and friends.
It's sounds funny that I dont even know this "anniversary" meant how many years. But just whatever la. haha! Oh yeah, gonna recommand YOU to a new place - Orchard Central@Somerset!
Well, it is a new shopping mall which they're still under construction, but some of the shops are opening. We had our lovely dinner at the restaurant called “阿一天下”which is under“阿一鲍鱼集团”.They are currently having promotion.
xxx炖汤+鱼扒/鸡扒/猪扒饭(can choose flavour somemore)+ 水果+xx炖燕窝
@ $ 22.90
It was a nice place,good service and great meal!

Back to the topic...
Maybe we should all hug the one we loved(just dont care if he or she loves you too) when the earth quarke hor?hahaz... Appreciate everything before you lost it, life is short, make a call and tell him/her: I love you, I really really love you...

Xinyi surprised me with her appearance in my working place! And gimme a god present which safed my life- 2 plasters. I was wearing a high heels for the day and it was just killing me. Thanks god you were there for me! THank you beli muchi!!Muakz~!! ^.< Do visit me more and more!!! Amanda totally disappeared from my life. Please drop me a message when you are still around the world Amanda Yap.

Hmm, I gonna list down something that I wanna get it done before 2012.
Weekend-waiting for saturday 6pm.
Good nite world!! muakz~!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 6:11 AM 0 comments



想为大家推荐一个快餐-Burger King!!
ION Orchard是我每天要经过的地方,好爱去它那里的BurgerKing,它的招牌是黑金色的,制服和普通的BK 是不一样的,最让我欣赏的是他们的服务态度,一级棒!

想说穿的美美的,应该要配上高跟鞋才看起来比较L Series。haha!




Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 7:03 AM 0 comments
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.

I cut my hair to shoulder length today.
Sometimes we just dont need to think so much, once decide, just do it.


昨天和Rebina(Regina)来了一个旧同学约会。吃了burger king就去喝Starbucks,好像很厉害降。其实穷到...哈哈!我们感叹,读这行原来真的好难找到工作。大家在家都不知道在家烂了多久,好不容易都找到了比较稳定的工作。这是我第一次出来面对社会,很多需要请教人家的地方,有时我告诉家人我今天对老板说了什么,他们给我的一致反应就是“你迟早给人家炒。”好吧,我用力的反省和思考一下呗.



Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Pretty Sunday

Posted by zWeN13 at 7:28 AM 0 comments

前几天,有对外国夫妇到我们店里来定做一件裙子。他们一进门便很开心的告诉我,这位丈夫五年前到新加波公干时到店里买了一件裙子回国送给这位太太,太太很喜欢,于是五年后他们又回来这里想说再定做一件裙子,因为这个地方做出来的东西给他们带来甜蜜的回忆。他们的脸上总是带着幸福的笑容跟我诉说他们的回忆。我为他们绘画了一张他们对裙子设计的要求图,他们看起来很满意很开心。到了试穿裙子的那天,糊涂的太太把ez-link card弄丢了,结果回到店里再找一遍。第三次和他们见面的时候,在妻子进去试穿制成品之前,丈夫对着他说:“Honey, let me keep your card for you." "Ya, sure!"
Before they leave, the husband said : " Dear, where's your card?"
"It's with you~"
"Ok, and your sun glasses?"
"It's on my head dear! haha"
They are 50+. But they can still maintain their relationship very well.



Sunday, October 25, 2009

My first job

Posted by zWeN13 at 7:45 AM 6 comments
The two girls were just hanging around Orchard before they found their full-time job in Singapore. zWen and Shahira!!
( Take note, how was it? My hair colour ah.haha!)
I damn like it, but it stays only 2 weeks. T.T

New opening- ION@ Orchard
See, I am going to get a bag from there !! wahaha!
And I found my first job-Assistant Fashion Designer.
I dono if it's my problem, but there's a lot of small problem since the day I start my work. Until now, I would say, I am not still very happy with my job. But anyway, this is just the begining. 所谓:万事起头难,this is my very first job in my life, I will try to do my best, and I need to let myself know, MY EQ IS VERY VERY HIGH!!

I learn this from a good book named - by Ron Kaufman .
It's not what happens that really matters.It's how you use whatever happens to learn, improve and grow
I am now learning, and growing.
I am working at Orchard area, friend, please do visit me when you're nearby!!
( Guess what, because my working hours very long.. you can always found me there..T.T)
I think I am not a very socialble person, handling foreigner (Americans all that) in designing and sales had make me became a better and brave person.

DoNT always forget to respect me, I know I may be not that perfect than the person that you met, fresh graduate doesnt mean anything. At least I have my skill and my thought, YOU cant control me. I will love and respect me first and everything else will fall into line. YOU WAIT!!
Forgot to tell you, dont be a person who dont have 信用。Dont always change your plan when you're already confirm and promise people.

Well, I am still enjoying my life with my dearest one.
Our day in Sentosa ( 17-18/10/2009)
But the beach.. became so dirty.. I am not brave enough to get into the sea...
My 3rd time in Sentosa. Hehe!
ChiewLing's hubby has made himself here for her!

I told you I am a very good photographer. HAha!!

Love you my dear! hahaz! Picture with no Merlion's head. Are we in Singapore?

Super tourist. (I am not anymore ok..)
Again, this is Esplanade-Not Durian KE.

We get a good photographer to take this for us! Gorgeos isn't?!
I cant wait to get my first salary (hopefully I can get soon as PROMISED)
I am going to spend all my money in buying present for those who havent receive my present this year, full my stomache (someone please tell me how to spell this, i forever dono) with delicous food and drinks.. OH MY GOD!!
ANd my loan from my brothers.. haha!! Bluek! ^.<
I went for movie with hubby yesterday.
We "Ge Kiang" (假厉害) go and watch . Thought that was a ghost movie. Never mind, we order "set dinner" somemore. Chili dog + Seafood Rings + Popcorn + Drinks. Our food served with chili sauce. And the movie begins with an accident,full of blood, following with a lot of people killed by the masked guy in a very very evil way. I was holding my chili dog (again with a lot of blood..nono, sos on it) looking at some empty seat, trying not to hear the voice, I just wanna finish my food before I can have my eye on the screen!!!!!!!!
I think, people around us will think that we are crazy. Picnic izzit?
No horror movie for me, ANYMORE!!
From - going to band from coming into Singapore
Until - cant leave Singapore for 3 months for the approval of xxx
Should I be happy or...
Haiz.. Watever. Miss mama and baba and my frens in Msia.
Dears, take care always ya~!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Life is short,break the rules

Posted by zWeN13 at 10:03 AM 0 comments
我是一个神经很粗的人,所以你不用担心我不会break the rules这个道理。



Life is short, break the rules, forgive sooner, kiss slowly, laugh without control and always keep smiling!你知道吗,我很想发自内心的笑。人生就是要痛快!为什么有的人就是要完美,要股仪态,要顾别人的想法,在别人面前给自己的爱人一个kiss或拥抱要觉得不好意思,no no,人生太拘谨了。朋友,看开点吧!你又不是有斗鸡眼...

Maybe life is not the party that we were expecting, but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance.


有人说,好朋友其实不容易maintain你们之间的relationship.但是我的朋友都是很有素质的朋友,我相信你们依然be with me。



Friday, October 16, 2009

Inbox Cafe

Posted by zWeN13 at 11:40 PM 0 comments
You have a new message.
Thanks for supporting Inbox Cafe!!
We will keep surprising YOU with OUR new recipe!! Challenge US!!
Appreciate what you have done for us. Please join our family!!


Monday, October 5, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Before that, please noticed that Inbox Cafe is having their
Main Course + IN Iced Lemon Tea @ only RM 7.90!!
I dye my hair yesterday-burgundy. I like it so much!

What have you been doing for these few weeks?
I went back to JB to help my sis with her business, come back to sg looking for job(again?!),do housework,study. . .

I not sure if you heard about "pig head skin"猪头皮。
I kena 3 times in a month.
Why is it called 猪头皮, your cheek(near ear) will bengkak, you'll look like a pig with fat face.
And it is very very painful (I think especially for adults)
Chinese people believed that ask someone whom 生肖is tiger, write a “虎”on your face using blue powder+ vinegar, can be cured easily. I tried and it surprisingly cured at the next day!!
BUT!!... I very suey, non-stop.

I went for doctor yesterday and spent S$49.


My camp friend-Elaine came to Inbox Cafe to look for me. Friend you're the best ya!Muakx!

She's going to start her journey, she has someone with her, and she knows what she wants, she suppose to know, and she will fight for it.

The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome tO Inbox Cafe!!

Posted by zWeN13 at 12:36 AM 2 comments
Hey guys! Guess what? My sis's shop is now opening!!
Address : 81, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3 Taman Sutera Utama 81300 Skudai Johor.
(Behind Da Zui Ba Karaoke)
Inbox Cafe!
There are something that you never try.
Check it out at our cafe!!
Dont forget to leave your message on the wall of the shop!
Free drinks for the smart people who can answer the IQ question! haha!

Shop Front

Smoking area and non smoking area are provided!
My favourite! - TomYam Prawn Spaghetti.
Our chef recommand food- Dare to try or not?
Most spicy food that you'll never try.

Western food- Chicken Chop
Food - Seafood beehoon(Super spicy), Inbox Buffalo Wings (Spicy-Level 1-3), Hot plate black Pepper Chicken Chop, Special Thai Sauce Chicken, Pudding Chicken Chop rice, Tomyam sausage spaghetti ... Etc.
Drinks - Grass Jelly Milk Tea, Ice lemon tea(Best lemon tea I never had before), Honey green tea, Iced Latte, Dinosour Milo, Salted Lemonade 7-up ... etc.
Inbox Cafe
Address : 81, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3 Taman Sutera Utama 81300 Skudai Johor.
Mobile: +6018 3758213
See you there!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 3:04 AM 0 comments
Hello, I am xxx, I have just graduated from ... ...
Interview until I can memorise my script. No nervous, no feeling.Whatever they say you just need to answer yes or no.hmm..maybe add in somemore flower words to promote yourself.

I went for an interview that day. Well, I dont know how to describe the lady but she is a devil. A 45 mins interview, making me stress, sweating in a air-coned room.
"What makes you choose this job? "
" xx..xx..xx and to gain more working experience."
" I employ you is because I want you to contribute with my company, is what can you give to my company but not what we can give you!"Well, looks like I said something wrong again.
And of course for the salary case, I don wan to mention about it at all, again!
Kns, wearing pretty and formal with the stupid heels and some make up. Great, at least I learn something new, and of course my EQ grow higher a bit. Why would I say so?..Hmm.. " For me, all these portfolio mean nothing!" You know what, smart person will just smile and say thank you. I was brave, getting unfriendly comment but still stand up, shake hands and end our conversation with " Thanks for you time."

Thanks for the sweet one who always accompany me for interview, carrying heavy portfolio.
Young Heart.

Babies! Me, I finally got a job! Start to work on next tuesday! Yo! aAH~ is a fashion designer job~! Yo rocks!! I heard people said that is not easy to get start in your work, especially the company that I am going for..wahaha! My dear sis get bully few years ago there too. Well, let's c how!!

Family were all here for ah yen. Going JB soon!

Monday, September 7, 2009

NeW tO Old

Posted by zWeN13 at 9:19 AM 0 comments

Long TImE nO SEE!!
zWen is back, well this is the fresh picture that I took today.
Location-ION Orchard. I know the chocalate snow ice looks like "sai" but it is just delicious!Not sweet at all- good for your health, haha~!

Roses @ 28-09-2009
I love Wendy's burger-shrimps one.. yoYO!!

Happy 60th Birthday DaDDY!!Yo~ I love you!!
(Yen Yen, this is the cocodie shirt that I bought.He said he looks like 30+ in this kind of tee.>.<"Money money home!)
And I went to a lounge with my cousins in Singapore.

Girls love free drinks. 谁说下辈子别再做女人?

Girls' PARTY!!

Wanna be a princess, a rock star, a succesful business woman, a famous designer, a lady with good fashion sense, a girl who has high EQ.
I am on diet.
There's a girl, graduated for 3 months, still looking for job and enjoying sending resume, when almost 90% of the company will not give her any response. From a fashion designer till a admin job.
Inbox Cafe留言室即将开张-20-09-2009。本人将会于当天中午到场剪彩,尽请争夺亲眼目睹本尊的机废。Ok啦主角不是我,我会路过帮两下忙。不要用-“我又不是住JB” 的借口来敷衍我。帮忙打两下广告,讲那个食指纹的姐姐在JB开了主题餐厅降,积多一点福,善哉善哉!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

August Bday Star

Posted by zWeN13 at 2:23 AM 0 comments
The best people in my life hurt me.
The feeling of sad appear again. Dark night, with a little bit of raindrops, the wind blows, I was feeling cold. Standing at the place that used to have a lot of drama. Alone. The moon disappeared, the cloud blocked it. It's not that scary to be alone, I do enjoy it sometimes.

My place has lot of beach. I joke with my friends saying that - In singapore, I need a beach to hear me, to relief stress, I need to take mrt for an hour till sentosa! Therefore, I appreciate what the god has given to me.

It's the tough moment for me right now. I take it as a "suey" incident as we are now having Chinese Ghost month. Well, I am not scared of anything! Try me!!

Daddy just had his 60th birthday(Shh..dont tell anyone). What do a father wants when he is already 60? Money? Lady? hahaz... just kdding. Yeah, his son and daughter come back to visit him. I came back but it sounds like a fault. Happy birthday to my brother Tian Seong, and my dad, Sandy, Ah mei's husband Ning Jian, and Biao d.

Happy Birthday to you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just to share with you

Posted by zWeN13 at 1:05 AM 1 comments

Yen and boy dont kill me!! wahaha!!

Our Bali Memory!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bye NaFa

Posted by zWeN13 at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Congratulations to ME!!
Bye bye Nafa!yay~!

Friend first meet in Music class, you guys remember?!haha!

Classmates~ Gonna miss you!

Family and I

I went for an interview yesterday-in a bank.
Interview is not as scary as what I think. It went smooth and I didnt feel nervous at all. Hmm, yeah this is the first interview for my life. A very good experience.

I went with a dress and a jacket, and of course the stupid high heels which is not really cheap. Trust me, the value mean nothing. NOTHING! Kns...Just 5 mins after the interview, I meet my cousin to go for lunch, but before that, I rush to Watson to buy a pair of slippers. Office lady look with a pair of pink slippers. Standing at the middle of Raffles place, looking at all the office boys and girls, wondering if they are happy with their job?.. Hmm, noway, I am gonna be a boss but not work under someone forever. I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR THE HEELS ANYMORE!让我的脚上的两块肉都不见的高跟鞋!

我想我这么文静又不善表达自己的人,( 谁在叫我去死?!)还是low profile一点比较好,什么工作可以不用出来跟人家笑嘻嘻的...?continue sending resume day.





Still remember last month you message me and ask me to listen the song - 我知道 by By2?
Coz you said it meant a lot. And now you're just there.

Someone will get her home with love.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 1:50 AM 0 comments
For improvement after the complaination, I decided to use dottted line to seperate the paragraph to show what I have been doing for the whole week. ( For idiot who complaint about it )

The kittens at my house. (Not my pet of course)
So cute and innocent. Keep this size forever ok?

I believe that you may have see this image before.
Which one are you?

1? No, you'll either have a happy ending or get hurt.Deal or not deal?
2? Never try, never know.No one can hurt you if you love yourself.
3? Not bad, know how to enjoy your life. But I think you will have no longer life.
4? Sometimes we may be selfish. When you hurt others, you'll get hurt soon.
5? Unless you are super pretty or handsome= Vases
6? Meaningless, you can go and die now.
Becca's 21st Birthday!

Stay pretty forever !!
Ribbon Queen!!
听起来很有道理对不对?其实出席这种L style派对,我们怎样都要顾下形象-跟我一起"假假一下!"
But hor... the picture doesn't prove what I said..
Hmm, I am 21, I have no idea where am I going.
Maybe I can tell you about my dream, maybe I cant reach my target in 4 years time, BUT! I will go Italy before I am 25. USING MY OWN MONEY!
Many friends are having their 21st birthday soon. So when are we going to have "Group of 21st" and then go Genting, line up in front of the Casino and walk in leg by leg. YO! What a rocks! Wahahahaha!!! ( This is so called-自己讲,自己笑)
Today very hot. Parents just went back to M'sia.
I had my convocation today.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

She's alone

Posted by zWeN13 at 7:39 AM 0 comments
I met ChiewLing at Woodlands, went to JB together.
在"卡斯蛋" (custom) 分手,她回她的家乡,我去我的血拼。(buying shirt for convocation)

This is the very first time I eat alone outside- McD.



No one has everything, but everyone has something.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 11:27 AM 0 comments
I just received an interesting mail from a friend today, which I think it's quite accurate!
Baby who are born in 20 of January...

* Ambitious and serious (Yes I am-sometimes)
* Loves to teach and be taught(Sure!)
* Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses(Most of the time)
* Likes to criticize (Got meh?!I am so kind)
* Hardworking and productive (Hmm,correct)
* Smart, neat and organized (Erm..certainly..haha!!)
* Sensitive and has deep thoughts (Professional in thinking too much)
* Knows how to make others happy (Always like that)
* Quiet unless excited or tensed(Yes I am)
* Rather reserved(No idea)
* Highly attentive (No comment)
* Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds (Har??)
* Romantic but has difficulties expressing love (But I always tell people I lofe u)
* Loves children (Cute one)
* Homely person (Serious)
* Loyal (my strength)
* Needs to improve social abilities (Super accurate)
* Easily jealous (I like sour thing)

Age in years 21.57
Age in months 259
Age in days 7874
Age in hours 188969
Age in minutes 11338140
Age in seconds 680288421
Age in Milli seconds 68028842106
Age in weeks 55116
You born on Wednesday

My dear, dont need to worry about me. I am adult. I am strong and matured enough to make a decision for myself. Although you cant c the truth. You will never know.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Siti Nurhaliza - Bukan Cinta Biasa

Posted by zWeN13 at 10:38 PM 0 comments

Nice song to share. ^.<


Posted by zWeN13 at 9:52 AM 0 comments
如果没有你,日子怎么过.. ..
no no, 这不是我要唱的歌。而是来自莫文蔚的《如果没有你》

“如果没有你 没有过去 我不会有伤心 但是有如果还是要爱你"



如果我凭实力答对了,你们就说 "你一定是早就听过了"




Saturday, August 8, 2009

I am zWeN

Posted by zWeN13 at 10:27 AM 2 comments
^.< I am just.. dono what to put as my title...

Ktv time with Meimei that day!I think we look alike sometime... Isn't?

That day I went to swim with my mei mei-Esun. Location-Ancasa.
I am not dark, I already became a Charcoal. Red like Char Siew.
Swimming is so fun, relax,enjoyable.
I love swimming.
Suddenly I feel I look like a primary student making sentences.
After a phone call, I decided to swim for many rounds.

Nice food-客家面 at Pasar besar Seremban.(2nd floor)
My dad said that he is pro in eating 客家面. He said that this is the best客家面 that he ever eat before. Please give it a try! ^.<

I went to a "Nan-An Hui Guan" dinner with mum, sis and her husband in JB. JieJie is going to start her business in Sutera very soon!

My sis and I

My mum and I(Blind one also know)

We went to the Sky Bar in KL area. It was a nice place.
(I really wanna learn how to order a nice drink for myself, everytime looking at the menu full of question marks only...T.T)

Laopo love u forever!

Gifts from Leeyee. Mantou is cool right?! Made In Russia!!-(The doll on right-forgot what it's name ^.<)

After I go and cut my hair into an apple look, I realized that I love my previous hairstyle so much. After I get sun burnt, I realized that I love fairer skin.
"It's too late to apologize... It's too late!!!!"
Gonna back to singapore very soon. sorry brother.. havent start working and never wash and iron clothes for u...
Suddenly, I feel I need a shoulder. Who will never leave me.
Tell me what am I doing, show me where should I go.
If god really helps, please tell me. Maybe show me in my dream, thank you.

Monday, August 3, 2009

KtV-G bOx

Posted by zWeN13 at 2:47 AM 0 comments

Ktv time with Ah Mei, Ah Boy and Ah Mei punya dear.FUn!
蓝天-Zwen Cheok

We all love this song!身骑白马-徐佳莹

Friday, July 31, 2009

There's no one you can trust

Posted by zWeN13 at 5:55 AM 0 comments

Something that I did few weeks ago.Martell is feeling cold..
I don't know why, when I know there's somebody by your side, I feel a bit upset.
(I guess the whole world is guessing who is the guy)

One simple sentence can make people thinks a lot. Seriously, when Jay was dating with Hou PeiChen, I feeling upset too. Believe it or not, up to you.





不要问我为什么不相信你,因为我不能确定,我自己也是不是一个可以值得信赖的人。Amanda说过,我是她一个值得信赖的朋友。也是从那个时候我学会了trustworthy这个字眼。thanks babe!或许我应该这么说,不让自己显得很偏激,要相信,但不能尽信。

Monday, July 27, 2009

Opps I did it again

Posted by zWeN13 at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Although I looks fat but I dont mind to share it here. Nice pic, nice moment nice place!Me, YenYen, Esther and cutie Samuel went to the beach! Yo!beach party!!

Aha, guess what, I am BACK!!
Even you gimme thousand jobs to do here (lukut), I would enjoy and love it.
Something that I wrote during the journey from JB to seremban.

“喂,我昨晚梦见我跟XXX吃KFC 叻!哈哈!”
好,我知道现实总是残酷的。俗不知,人有三分之一的时间都在休息睡觉,倒不如善用时间来好好发白日梦,好让生活过的快乐一些。至少我的人生,在闭着眼睛度过的时刻是那么的动人美丽-和周杰伦逛街,和古天乐跑步,和Zac Efron 打篮球,和Harry Potter坐扫把去宇宙。

My god, I feel like having a cute baby, like Travis!为什么他们可以那么可爱无辜,他们的脑袋装的是什么东西?他看到我这个半生熟aunty,有什么想法?以前我觉得自己很没有小朋友缘,但是渐渐的因为一些朋友的弟妹,让我有机会进入他们的世界。这次,更是我以一个朋友的身份抱朋友的孩子,感觉好棒!这是我第一次到婴儿部买礼物。I enjoy buying things for babies! Yeah!! yo yo~!
He is very very cute!!!Baby Travis!

Dont force me... I want to have a baby, indeed!!wahaha!
His smile is the best thing for family and me!

Happy 22nd Birthday to Penny!!I will miss you no matter where you are, I WILL GO SHANGHAI!do remember me baby!
Nee nee's 22nd Birthday- K box Cinileisure.
Love you NeeNee!! Muakz!May your dreams come true!
2am-Lukut castle-28.07- waiting for a miracle
Thanx twins (Kuanyee and Leeyee )for the day! And I received two gifts today! What a lovely fren you are!hahaz!Thanx~!--- Picture coming soon..
Good nite, Lukut.

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