Saturday, August 23, 2008


Posted by zWeN13 at 5:57 PM 7 comments
前天,boy突然在工作时候传sms给我,说他今晚将带白饭回家,要我煮最拿手的炒饭给他吃。由于之前因为自己的疏忽没有带很重要的文件去学校,他还帮我拿来自己却迟到,我认为自己亏欠他于是便答应了。(非常后悔为何当初要叫他去搭德士费用算我的...)终于几百年没下厨,在半夜十二点把炒饭煮好了。他吃得津津有味...不信你看!! (没有料的只有蛋) 原来他是因为听了一整天温岚的"同手同脚"这首歌才突然需要"姐爱"...但是,每次他出门工作前他都会说"姐姐(做作到最高境界)我走了.拜拜!!"然而我的回应没有改变过:"boy,你有什么不开心可以跟我讲不要放在心里..."haha... the next day--
"awak ada masak nasi goreng hari ini tak?"
"takda, unless you dance your屁股舞for me again...haha!"
"ok awak masak ah!!"

温岚 同手同脚

还记得小小年纪 松开我的手迷失的你 在人群里看见你一边哭泣手还握着冰淇淋
有时候难过生气 你总有办法逗我开心 依然清晰回忆里那些曾经有笑有泪的光阴
我们的生命先后顺序 在同个温室里 也是存在在这个世界 唯一的唯一
未来的每一步一脚印 踏着彼此梦想前进 路上偶尔风吹雨淋 也要握紧你的手心
未来的每一步一脚印 相知相惜相依为命 别忘记之间的约定 我会永远在你身边陪着你
现在我唱的这首歌曲 给我最亲爱的弟弟 在我未来生命之旅 要和你同手同脚的走下去
"Girl,我发现你的blog从来没有提过我..."wahaha!!that's true..姐姐去了台湾,正如我也跟着去一样,因为她带了好多好多手信给我...虽然他们每次半夜回到很喜欢吵在睡觉的人(我好像听到有人说 "你看阿girl睡觉睡到几难看跟她拍下来" )但是我的睡神赢了。隔天早上才看见枕头旁Qoo!!粉开心的说!讲真的,当姐去旅行后,除了很开心没有人在耳边罗嗦之外,还真的有寂寞.就跟哥哥相依为命.就那一天...
"buy 4d,你几百年都不会买一次的你来按看会中吗"
"一人讲两个字" 19 13 两块钱...
8pm at night...
"Girl!!我们中了i bet $52"
"真的假的?! yeah~!!"

Friday, August 15, 2008

~BreAkFaSt & mE~

Posted by zWeN13 at 6:15 PM 0 comments
I wake up at 830am this morning, my singapore morning very very diff from in msia. 热腾腾的milo,外加苏打饼就是我在这里的丰富早餐.Come back to msia...
"Laksa旧巴杀的比较好吃,去刷牙换衣!" "噢!"
"去芙蓉吃点心"..."YeAh!!!!" 然后就在客厅跳起舞来...


I went to CD shop, looking at cd cover of my idol Jam xiao jing teng.I went into fashion boutique to feel the fabric that they used for their garment. I look at those customer wearing. I look at couple who hold their hands and shopping like连体婴...I saw little children fall down in front of me. 我到卖怪异玩具的店玩新的玩具,and i found that most of them made in china.I went to branded shop and look at their outfits and thinking how much is the capital.(i think they earn at least x5)I took picture of Sentosa standing at the highest part of vivo. I went Swensens for my dinner. I drink Baileys after the dinner.I raech home at 10pm. I went supper with my siblings after finish "bai bai" for the month. I enjoyed my day.^^

~Just tO sHarE wItH yOu~

Posted by zWeN13 at 8:06 AM 1 comments
Guess what!! these are the buttons for colthes that i buy today..what the.. cost me $10!!(RM23.60) cant stand when i saw that piano shape buttons..haha!!
mY suPer lOvely tOm yAm & mIlk sHAkE!!

I lOVE milktea!!!(with many pearls)
What I draw during chinese ink painting class...super ugly...
I knW i lOok liKe my mUm

~iT's mE~

Friday, August 8, 2008


Posted by zWeN13 at 8:33 AM 0 comments
I wish to finish this blog before the day end...
回想过去,到北京的旅程,已经是十一年前的事了(当时香港回归中国1997)当时外公也还在, 人生环境变化无常,现在的北京很不一样...
Beijing starts the Olympic Game today. Me as a chinese, really proud of China...
Used to think about inspiring Olympic into my collections. Their fireworks... Their dancing..The whole world is celebrating with us. I was thinking who will be the one who responsible for the "Olympic fire"-
080808, What am i doing when 080888?... I still drinking milk and laying on the bed with my toys... ^^ hey yo come on~!!cheer up man~!!! this is our moment~!!! speak loudly that "WE ARE READY!!"... I dono why m i so high at home now... non of my business at all actually.. haha!! but that's really impressed..
today, let me make a wish... the next 080888, I will be watching Olympic in the heaven.
北 京 欢 迎 你 (^o^)/

Friday, August 1, 2008

My life~

Posted by zWeN13 at 8:23 PM 1 comments
I have become a superwoman...(bluek) I do my homework until 330am,I wake up at 7am ( i slept for 3 and the half hours)to prepare for school.I reach home at 6pm. After change my outfit to sportswear, i go jogging with fren for two hours. I met my sis for dinner after my bath at 810pm. After dinner we go to play pool. When i reach home it's already 12am..and i sleep at 1am...

I dono why i never feel tired, full of energy anytime. I am very happy with my life now. Althought i m still wondering weather i like fashion design or not..I feel happy when I can fullfill my timetable with a lot of activities..^^其实我真的不知道自己在做什么,睡醒又是一天这样的度过,到时间了就上课吃饭,地上脏了就扫,累了就睡,经过珍珠奶茶店就去来一杯,没有人跟我说话的时候就看电影,偶尔还要让自己感性一下看看悲伤情节的电影让自己好好的哭一下。突然好想自己一个人去电影院看戏...就像朋友所说的,她觉得我比较喜欢一个人。当我一个人走在街上的时候,很喜欢去注意一些小情节,有时候会被一些小朋友问妈妈的问题弄得哭笑不得...别人发传单我一定会拿,因为如果是自己在值那份工作时,不也一样希望人家响应然后可以早点回家休息吗...这是我在新加坡过的第三个华人七月,好多户人家如常到家楼下烧金纸忌拜,当然我们也不例外。时间过得好快好快,明年今天我应该不在这个国家了吧...mama is preparing her journey to Beijing Olympic, hope she can enjoy herself there!!I gonna say, I am proud of China!


Miss yOu mY mEi mEi... (^.<)p

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