Friday, August 15, 2008

~BreAkFaSt & mE~

Posted by zWeN13 at 6:15 PM
I wake up at 830am this morning, my singapore morning very very diff from in msia. 热腾腾的milo,外加苏打饼就是我在这里的丰富早餐.Come back to msia...
"Laksa旧巴杀的比较好吃,去刷牙换衣!" "噢!"
"去芙蓉吃点心"..."YeAh!!!!" 然后就在客厅跳起舞来...


I went to CD shop, looking at cd cover of my idol Jam xiao jing teng.I went into fashion boutique to feel the fabric that they used for their garment. I look at those customer wearing. I look at couple who hold their hands and shopping like连体婴...I saw little children fall down in front of me. 我到卖怪异玩具的店玩新的玩具,and i found that most of them made in china.I went to branded shop and look at their outfits and thinking how much is the capital.(i think they earn at least x5)I took picture of Sentosa standing at the highest part of vivo. I went Swensens for my dinner. I drink Baileys after the dinner.I raech home at 10pm. I went supper with my siblings after finish "bai bai" for the month. I enjoyed my day.^^



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