Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Claus is coM'in tO town

Posted by zWeN13 at 4:33 AM
Hello!! I'm back to clear the dust in my blog! ^.<
Yup, Santa Claus is comin to town,but then we can always see, a lot of people like to take picture with a tree at the street... X'mas tree.Haha! Well, I admit that I did, and when I go through my photo album, I realize that all the x'mas tree have the same look and I cant remember which year is it..haha!

There's YES(Year end sales) all oever the island!
I found this (brand tag) when I was trying my dress at home.So they think they are very funny izzit?hahaha!! It's damn cool.

Suntec City@ City Hall station
We went to the centre of the fountain. People believe that your wish will come true after you walk 3 times circles at the fountain. 因为它的名字叫做“财富之泉”,我想我也只能许跟钱有关的愿望。可是...我买了多多,又米有开...骗人的.Chey~!haha..但是,泉水是蛮凉快的,不防试试try一下自己的luck.hehe!

Chiew ling, Yin Chew and me @ Orchard.
Haha!!Who were there last X'mas?!and the future X'mas? ^.<
那天去看了“风云”。你问我在这部电影里看到了什么,我只能说,很多风(每个镜头只要有人就一定有很大风不停的吹着他们的头发好像很帅降)。 然后结尾小郭死了都没有来个大特写,好像很美价值降...哈哈!好啦,我不是白痴,我相信十年后会有第三部的出现。 。 。《老风云》



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