Friday, February 27, 2009

I had a dream

Posted by zWeN13 at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Finally we submitted the report!!All the stress was reliefed!Although I still have a lot of things to do, if I am going back to lukut!!miss it!!...Guys, better get prepared to welcome me and have our tea time and also badminton time!!check it out man! (^.<)p

I had a dream, it was you again... 你和我到一家装饰得很漂亮的店,我们重逢了. 你说你要找回以前你送过我的一瓶香水,因为你就知道我会不舍得把它用完.那是男生用的香水,但我就偏爱男生香水,不会太浓,也不会太甜,是不是因为我本来就不女人? 很可惜,Paris Hilton那支香水已经停产了,只剩下女用的.

很多年了,终于剩下三分之一的分量.那是我人生的第一瓶香水. 当我睁开眼睛的时候,只看见身边的娃娃,迎接我的早晨太阳.

"我闭上眼睛就感觉到 此刻他心中也很寂寞 彼此隔得那么远 象还拥抱着 感应还是那么浓 闭上眼睛就感觉到 此刻他也有一点冲动 想看一看对方 是否也寂寞 却一样被自尊阻止了"


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feb-One year

Posted by zWeN13 at 1:54 AM 0 comments
就这样,过了一年了.那天和拼庆祝的生日好象没有很理想.Anyway, this might be the last chance to celebrate birthday with you! 不知道,你还记不记得这一天?

After finish our dinner at "wong kok hong kong restaurant",me, Yuan2 and Penny went Clarke Quay to continue with our plan-let's get drunk!
The Fashion bar was still ok for me, but I dont really like the services there. I have my red wine while watching the fashion show on the screen. Next, we move on to REBEL!Just vodka,when I got to home by cab (my heart break!) at 330am, I AM DIE+ING!!This is the very first time, I admit that I really get drunk( becoz I cant even stand straight? T.<)hehe..

Trip to museum- We had fun there ourselves! (But the report har.. T.T)

Special thanx to...
My brother, recomand the Cold Rock Ice-cream!!It's fried ice cream time!
Dark Chocalate+Mint chocalate chips ice cream + Macademia nuts + brownies = $ 8.50
Hey brother, it's a little bit ex la!@.@ ... But I will still keep on supporting it becoz it's nice!!my god!The cheesecake ice cream trying to kill me!!

Thankx Yen yen for buying me this lovely sleeping shoes from Batam!

Thankx amanda yap for cheering my day!!haha ^^

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Photoshoot-Triangel collection

Posted by zWeN13 at 6:58 PM 0 comments
My design, my sewing, my collection, my first outfit.

She is a good model and nice person!

Delicious week

Posted by zWeN13 at 8:05 AM 0 comments
A girl who reading the -Russelle Lee, every morning in the mrt, never look at other people,fall asleep after reading a few pages even she is
Rushing for toile and actual everyday.
" 你活着为了什么?什么能让你活得有意义?"
I dono why, I feel they just treat me like a kid. Sometimes, I keep the secret on my mind. There's nobody else in the world who knows me.

原来,我也可以听见别人重复这样告诉我.所谓:"听到都显"... 感情的东西,最终还是看当事人的决定,而且是双方的.有时,真想换个梦想好了.当个作家,自己写给自己看也不错.
Boy boy生日当天都不和我们在一起,有点小失望.但是,希望他快乐.我也会尽量当个好姐姐.We celebrated Ah boy's birthday through webcam with baba in China and Mama who just come back from India. My parents rocks!
要特别向和我一样喜爱吃鸡胸肉的朋友推荐Botak Jones的Black pepper chicken ( breast meat) Super delicious!!Please give it a try,you will love it! You can change if you want the spicy fries! $8 / per serve. Place available : AMK, Woodgrove, Toa payoh, Orchard.. so on..(forgotten)

Thanks Kor kor for the Long beach dinner...It's black pepper crab again!!
I love family day!!
I am getting lost on my way to success, you told me that I am on the right track.Did I?Am I?
Dont try to stress me!I will get there man!
Movie recomanded : Look for a star<游龙戏凤>- Andy Lau and Shu Qi
It's a nice movie. I love Andy's movie.
刘德华就是我的Dream Man!!最怕看到感情戏的小细节.那么的小小动作,既熟悉又陌生,但是能够引起大家的共鸣,刚好到达那个点.顺便一提戏的取景-澳门.我喜欢那边的建筑,浓浓的西方国家气氛.要是我的爱情故事也能那么美就好了,可惜,这个世界没有公主,也没有王子.
Today I am going to get myself a super delicious ice cream!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

萧亚轩- 最熟悉的陌生人

Posted by zWeN13 at 9:16 AM 0 comments

Happy VaLenTine'S dAy!

Posted by zWeN13 at 8:26 AM 2 comments
Dear fReNz :
HaPpY VaLentIne'S dAy tO aLl oF yOU!!
Sincerely from zWeN

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

e-Sun haPpy belateD BirThdAy!!

Posted by zWeN13 at 10:12 PM 3 comments

You must be forgotten about this video!! So young that time!! haha!Happy birthday to my dear mei mei!!Love you!!..muakz!!!

1st outfit-no pics preview

Posted by zWeN13 at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Yeah! I have done 95% of my blouse from 2pm-8pm!!so cool man!Dont ask me, I also dono why I don wan to finish it.. haha!The school left not more than 10 student when I left.很有成就感两下!然而,就那几个小时没讲过话,刚换的mp3电池,就这样被我用省一格电力.
谢谢我的姐姐昨天为了自己的心安逼我选礼物.(21st year old present)还几有分量一下,我觉得自己快要变成一个存脆只有外表包装的小富婆了!哈哈! (人间悲剧,顺道提醒大家-人不可冒相...)* Because I will never waste money on buying branded staff before I start working.渐渐的,送礼物给我的人开始要比赛,看谁的最有分量能够脱颖而出...>.<" 没有什么原因,只是想在facebook我post上去的照片上tag到你的名,让你觉得几有面子一下,有点提高自己的身份降...对了,我这个人就是仁慈,大发慈悲的给昨天生日的阿妹打了通生日电话(因为今年她忘了我的生日!!少说也认识了二十年了朋友!!)好啦,肥去再给你做个蛋糕好了(dont expect too much, it is only a sponge cake...)有感觉到我的爱了吗?让你内疚一辈子!...
So many people sick recently, brother,manda,stephy,penny...better take good k ok?

既然最近的话题都离不开Valentine, so let's talk about this special day...(veli special meh? >.<")
我觉得在新加波这个国家,这个节日有很浓厚的气氛.好象一踏出家门就可以看见很多爱心在天空飞来飞去降.每次看见那些拿着一束花等他们的公主的男孩就觉得很想笑.但是,是甜蜜的咯!My dear lovely family...你们就别烦我了,最好跟我滚远点,我不想在家被你们的幸福样子甜死...老实说啊,我几乎忘记之前的情人节是怎么过的了,相信很多人也记不起来吧?but then, what is valentine day for you?mm...爱对了人,其实每天都是情人节啊!我一直都是这么想的.
"爱啦爱啦" ... (到底谁是"啦" ?)
"hmm... ... ..."
Guys, at leeast a flower, at least a 3 words sentence (I lefu you), at least a kiss, at least accompany...
Girls, appreciate what he did for you, at least a sweet talk, at least a hug, at least accompany...
At least, I am in a good shape, good mood, good health now!wahaha!! (^.<)p Long live the FREEDOM!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rainny day please go away

Posted by zWeN13 at 9:06 AM 3 comments
03/02/09 9:30am
An hour journey to reach Arab Street-Bugis. I couldnt find the shop that my lecturer suggested me to buy fabrics there. I called my frenz but non of them answered!! I keep walking to search for the shop. Lucky Elvin called back and tell me the direction. When I reach there, the shop was closed. Ok never mind. I calm down myself and go buy some trimmings and thread. I tried to c if the shop is open, good! The door was half opened!! I was so happy and rush towards there. It was a T junction and I cant even wait to cross to get there! But the tauke came out and locked the door b4 I reach.. T.T Pink asked me to buy the coconut juice, good, I hv been cheated that I never c the price and I bought it in double price. Get scold.. T.T .. 无所事事地喝了一杯又一杯的甜品,大概可以惹来蚂蚁了..后来同学说店开了,我用飞的速度跑到那里,二十分钟的路程,差点快去抱紧老板.但是,布是很好两下,也几贵一下...天空突然下起超大的雨来,身上只剩两块钱.我站在十字路口,一位好心的阿姨撑着伞意识遮我过去,我往另一个方向,说了谢谢她便走了.在冷冷的大雨中,我的心被温暖了起来.还好穿了有帽子的杰克,再次跑回mrt,成了一只典型的落汤鸡...SOrry boy,弄坏你的书包...今天真的黑得可以...!

Kor2 sick yesterday...We forced him to go for doctor coz he looks quite serious...
Doctor: " MC?"
Kor : " ........."
Doctor : " MC!PLEASE!!PLEASE!!"
Then he had two days MC..BUT, today when I woke up from dream.. He already started his work for many hours...He is perfect for his company...

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