Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Posted by zWeN13 at 8:44 AM
曾经走在街上看见"天冷就回来"这句话, 短短的五个字就能带出一种家里长辈对流浪在外头工作的子女,面对挫折时的鼓励. 爸爸妈妈,我好象有点受伤了,我要回来療伤了.
That's sound funny, and is not that here is cold, here is too hot for me. Sometimes, I really cannot take it. Optimistic? Mm, mm... Lucky my EQ high enough for me to get through everything very fast.(wahaha!) 难道你没有听过:跌到了,那就睡饱了再爬起来吧! (重点是别睡太久就是了^.^)妈妈最爱讲她的当年事了,我所忍受的,根本不能跟妈妈的经历相提并论.而我也相信,智商高的人不容易被人激怒,更不会让别人的愚蠢来惩罚自己.
Tomorrow is my last day in studying! When I see people busy of doing their things, I actually din feel any of the happiness being like graduate. 今天是有一些Drama, 但是我觉得做人要对得起自己,问心无愧就好啦,无须执着. 听说在那里,高级人家说你是,你就是. 低级人家说你不是,你还是是. What a ridiculous society. 感觉自己好象活在"小娘惹" 的社会里... 刚看着大结局, 一把鼻梯一把眼泪的,好象我认识里面的月娘酱...但是我个人不是很喜欢月娘这个角色, 编辑其实很好,但是结局和快乐的转折点太少.(纯属个人意见) 相爱就在一起咯! 干嘛弄到很伟大割爱酱.做作!
" So you like sg or msia?"
" I think msia more free, but其实各有各的好"
" yalor, I agree with you. U have driving license?"
" ya"
"C, so good"
就是这样矛盾, 看你自己选择驾车不愁吃不愁穿,但是没有优质享受, 还是吃苦搭公车,努力赚钱,以后成为人上人.
So, just bear with it!! (learn from little nyonya also.. haha!)
And I want to go Malacca, again.



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