Monday, January 12, 2009

9th Jan-21st Birthday

Posted by zWeN13 at 1:25 AM
I was having my 21st bithday party in my hometown-Lukut. 9th January 2009 My hometown.
Thanks everyone for coming to my party!

It'S mY bIrthDay~ ( is actually on 20th)
Present from it!I am ADUlT!!
The birthday cake of mine...
beSt bEst freN ...

I loVe my parents!tHnx mum for preparing everything 4 me!

ThNx everyone for ur Present!
Cupcakes Cute!

Lovely moment with You Guys!lOvez!
That was happy moment sharing with my beloved-my parents and frenz!... My 21st birthday is not celebrating on the actual day,but I appreciate... Thnx everyone...thnx parents!I know I am not walking alone on my way.
Thnx for being one in my life!Thnx mum for preparing food for the party!
21st- Wish me happy birthday... I got the key from my parents,and I am going to keep it for my daughter,and my daughter's daughter, and my daughter's daughter's daughter...haha!I know I have to be mature, be more independent...The princess has to be strong.I know I will...My last term in studies..!zWeN GO!!!



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