Sunday, September 14, 2008

moOncAke fEsTiVaL

Posted by zWeN13 at 5:37 PM
是有点自恋啦,但总好过自虐吧?woke up early in the morning, it was raining yesterday!nowonder I just cant get down from my lovely bed.以下是此刻我对人生的看法:如有雷同,纯属巧合
- 大便就是人生一件很幸福的事
- 这个世界没有做得完的家务和功课
- 我爱我的手机,因为拍出来的照片没有豆豆
- 一天为什么没有四十八小时
- 原来没有某某,我的手机可以五天不用充电
- 原来我的笑点没有很高(姐姐的那句-难道衣服自己很喜欢被洗..弄得我快笑翻了)

This is the first time I receive a box of mooncake from people.It's juz super cute with a象棋inside!Love iT!!That day we went to play pool in country club. 我真搞不懂,就全凭感觉把每粒球很不准的打出去,而且还常常打不到球 。如果胜了也不用骄傲,多数是因为对方同时进黑白球...好凄惨!..那天还和隔壁座的男生屁股对屁股不小心撞了一下,超尴尬的!He said:"ei, cannot like that la, my girlfren is there. If she not there never mind..."wahaha!!I dont know when I started to "networking" with people...I also dont believe that I dare to do that... usually ppl who dont knw me will think that I am so cool and unfriendly...
and then...
我的人生,需要一点刺激...还在犹豫回不回家,作业超多。就要问自己:"What you want to do?" I want to go home. "Go home waste transports fee" Ya I know, but I can do my homework there also,and I can buy cheaper fabric there... "But you dont have enough time to do so" Well, I just wan to go back and visit my parents and frens. Conclusion=没有结果



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